Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ethics committee approval form Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Ethics committee approval form - Essay Example Before research starts the PI must take the Ethics Tutorials and submit certification. DIRECTIONS: Please check the appropriate response for questions 14 to 17. Please be brief and concise in your responses to each of these questions. Failure to respond to any questions will cause significant delays. Will access to subjects be gained through cooperating institution? If yes, indicate cooperating institution and attach copy of approval letter from that institution. (e.g. Copy of institution’s IRB approval, copy of approval letter from school board, etc.) Will the subjects be deceived, misled, or have information about the project withheld? If so, identify the information involved, justify the deception, and describe the debriefing plan if there is one. DIRECTIONS: In a total of no more than four pages, please answer the questions 18-23. Please be brief and concise in your responses to each of these questions. Failure to respond to any questions will cause significant delays. The proposed study will ascertain the relationship between use or abuse mind altering drugs and recidivism among juvenile offenders. The following specific objectives were formulated to provide support towards the realization of the general goal of the proposal: 1. Describe the profile of juvenile offenders in terms of the following variables: age, gender, ethnicity, religion, past and present offenses, frequency of commission of offenses, and history of drug use. The study is deemed significant in consideration of the benefits that the outcomes of the proposed research will present for juvenile offenders/recidivists, correctional institutions, the society-at-large, psychologists and guidance counselors. Results of the study will be of greatest significance to juvenile offenders and recidivists, by way of its contribution to the knowledge base of juvenile problems and the suggestions which

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